Last night I had a long and emotional talk with my dear, dear friend Rae. I was sobbing about the words I can barely bring myself to type, let alone say out loud. But the words that ring through my head all day, every day, well....since last Monday. And every time the bell of those words go off, I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Again. You may as well know, readers and friends, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. Cancer. A 6-letter word. But worse than any 4-letter word. 4-letter words go away. They slip off the tongue sometimes unnoticed. They hit the ear and the impact of the word goes away. Cancer doesn't. Cancer sticks around, killing as goes. Cancer takes not only from the person it resides in, but from those that love that person. Okay, my Dad will probably not die from this cancer, because he has prostate cancer that is 95-98% curable. So, please don't worry as much as I am worrying. It isn't healthy. Believe me, I know.
During my long, emotional talk with Rae I was getting really frustrated. Frustrated because I just had the toughest year of my life and was knocked off my feet for the past year. I was in counseling, battled depression and anxiety--am now medicated for depression and anxiety--, was diagnosed with ADHD (not severe), battled the deepest, most poignant loneliness I've ever felt, fought against feeling lost and useless, and struggled for every day to just please be a little better. And I lived through that year. I made it. And I was finally feeling like I'd regained my footing and was ready to find my place and just start really living again, and then last Monday happened. And I know that through the sweetness and mercy of my Father in Heaven and the sacrifice of my Savior that no matter what happens to my dad, it will be okay. That I will not only see him again even if the worst happened, he will call me his "Goo" again, that he will hug me and get teary-eyed while I sob. And knowing that gives me such comfort. But I am still scared. I am scared of seeing my father weakened. Scared of being so severely depressed again. Scared of the absolute worst case scenario.
As I told Rae all this I asked, "Why Rae? Couldn't I have just had a little more time to catch my breath? I don't know if I can do this!" and she--like the earthly angel she is--answered that I can. That she knows I can. That the Lord prepared me with such hardships this past year to give me the strength to handle this. She paid me such high and compliments to my handling of the past year and helped me to see more clearly and think past the grief, shock, and terror clouding my tired brain.
Did I also mention that Tuesday morning I started vomiting at about 1 am and was in the ER by 7? Somehow, that's true, I didn't just make it up. Oh, the week my family's been through. Oh, the weeks we'll go through in the coming months.
We can't always see the Lord's intentions or plans for us. We can't see what's on the other side of the trials we experience. (Maybe sometimes because we'd refuse to face what's on the other side of what we're going through.) But the Lord has a purpose for everything, every trial, every blessing, every gift, every loss. He's strengthening us and giving us tools to make us better. We just have to keep trying. Keep going. Keep living. I know it's hard. Oh, believe me, I know. I know how incredibly difficult it is to even make yourself get out of bed some days, so difficult that it seems impossible. But it isn't. Find your strength, something that makes you happy-even in the tiniest bit and cling to that as tight as you can. Even if that something that makes you the tiniest bit happy is as silly as a kitty board on your Pinterest. (Which I HIGHLY suggest Pinterest! It's fun! If you want an invite just send me your e-mail and I'll invite you. Then you can see my board titled "I REALLY want a kitty!!!" and at least get a laugh over how obsessed I am with felines.) Get a pet if you're lucky enough to be able to, pick up a hobby, learn a talent, serve someone who needs it, and pray. Pray, pray, pray. The Lord is listening, He loves you. He aches to bless you. He yearns to use your willing hands and heart to bless others who need it. He wants you to be happy. And most of all He wants you to reach your potential. (Yes, sometimes it really sucks to be in the growing part of reaching your potential. "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come." ~Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I love that quote. Even if you aren't religious, find something that can help to give you hope and help.)
I hope this helps someone, and doesn't come off as just whining. I always sincerely hope that each of my posts at least brightens someone's day. And helping more than that would mean the world to would more comments, because I like reading your comments! :)