Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Little Encouragement

So I have ranted before about my frustration of people looking at me and assuming that I'm anorexic because of my very-slim body type. And this is and isn't another one. My main issue is that because I'm skinny people assume that I am severely mentally unhealthy, and think that it is alright to tell me so. While it is true that Anorexia and Bulimia are serious mental illnesses and if you're struggling with them, you should seek help from those you trust, however everyone who's skinny is not struggling with those mental illnesses. What baffles me is that while it is not okay for someone to state the fact that someone is carrying extra fat in their body, it is okay for someone to falsely accuse me of having unstable mental health.
I think that we all really need to be more accepting of each other's bodies and realize that the bodies we live in for our short duration on earth are not the important thing. Our hearts are the important thing. And how we treat each other is the important thing. We all have room for improvement with our physical health and with our service and our love toward others. I hope we can all be more forgiving of others and learn to love each other more fully. We all are going through our own struggles and pains and we all need forgiveness and love on our journey through this life. Can't we all focus on that instead of each other's faults?
Here's for hoping that something I've said touches someone and helps them do a little better.

1 comment:

  1. I wish, too, that the world would come around to this idea. *sigh* We can hope, right? Maybe in the Millennium? ;)
