Saturday, March 19, 2011

30DC Day 1

A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself:

Okay, so the picture's small, but facebook changed things so now I couldn't save the big version and it's one of the most recent, and my current favorite picture of myself!

1) I love having pictures taken. I love getting all dolled up and then posing for the camera (usually with Rae behind it). I just think it's fun!

2) I really struggle with feeling like an idea is good enough to actually post it on my blog. I think about an idea for days or a week or two before deciding that it is good enough to put out there for all of you to read. And then the first few days before anyone comments I worry that you all just thought "Well, reading that was a waste of my time and life."

3) I watch way too much TV, pretty much just because I'm bored.

4) I dream HUGE! And sometimes it makes me depressed thinking that I'll never reach those dreams.

5) Children make my life. They fill a void in my soul. I love them. And somehow they love me back.

6) I love having long hair. It makes me feel pretty. Without long hair I feel unattractive.

7) When I laugh really hard I snort.

8) I have a really hard time expressing myself. Hence the vague posts not necessarily about my life.

9) I will not allow myself to die before I go to Paris, France.

10) Honestly, I do love the Jonas Brothers. And everyone who thinks it's lame just needs to get over it. Because they can't make me not love them.

11) I remember the dates of every Jonas Brothers Concert I've ever been to, and have kept all the tickets from them.

12) I have truly random interests and obsessions.

13) It takes me a long time to de-stress and decompress. And I get really upset when that time is interrupted.

14) I think really really fast. It's distracting when I actually need to think about something.

15) I love the color purple. A lot.


  1. I love this!

    Did you ever see the Les Mis concert where one of the Jonas Brothers is in it? It's...interesting, shall I say? :D

    I love that you love the color purple. It fits. I don't know what that means, but somehow it just does.

  2. I feel like I learned a few new things about you reading this, which is awesome!! Just makes me love you more.
