Wednesday, April 6, 2011

30DC Day 19

Nicknames you have and how or why you got them:

I'm not one that gets nicknames easily. I only really have 4 I've ever been called.

C or C-C: From the first initial/syllable of my name.
Goo: From my childhood. Embarrassing I know.
Beers: My last name. While working at a pizza place there were 2 Ciera's so I was called by my last name for clarification.
Flea: Kavyn calls me this sometimes because I'm so small I'm a Flea. It's kinda odd and endearing and cute and I love it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Actually...C C came from the movie Beaches. Remember C C Bloom? Yup that's when we started calling you C C :0)
    Oh and ... Goo is short for Gugwuch! A neighbor (Michelle Schnabel) used to call you that. She lived right next door in the first apartment we lived in here in St. George. Still see her and say HI sometimes :o)
