What little orphan girl doesn't spend her days dreaming of the wonderful, warm, kind, beautiful people who will adopt her? And then poor little Penny (the little girl in The Rescuers, if you didn't remember) gets kidnapped by Medusa and Snoops! Instead of a brother and sister she has two crocodiles to watch after her. Instead of a Mom and Dad who love her, she has two slave masters who just want her to squeeze down that little hole to get the big diamond.
So then she dreams of being rescued. And she does something to help herself. She sends out little bottles with notes in them, in the hopes that someone will find them and then her. Not only that she prays. She prays and prays for help and for someone to save her.
Luckily, I've never been an orphan, and I've never been kidnapped and had crocodiles be my guard. But I've had people rescue me before and I'm sure I'll have people rescue me in the future. And hopefully I've rescued at least one other person. We all need help. And we all need to help ourselves. And we all need help from God. Hopefully he'll send us some angels--whether in the form of two mice and a dragonfly, or a friend, or parents, or a stranger--and they will rescue us. And just maybe Heavenly Father will let us be someone else's angel and have us rescue them from their demons.
The song that inspired this is Someone's Waiting For You. It touches a special place in my heart and never fails to make me cry. It helps me remember that someone's waiting for me. And hopefully someone tall, dark, and very handsome (rich wouldn't hurt either) is waiting for me. Maybe even just as impatiently as I'm waiting for him. Someday--hopefully soon!--the waiting will be over. :) For now, I'll just try to be a Rescuer. Doing whatever small amount I can do.