Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Okay, so this is another bit of a rant, but also a lesson rolled into it. So just call me Teach! Haha!
I'm SO sick of people making assumptions about other people. So sick of it. People look at me, a single, cute, somewhat floundering 20-year-old and assume, "Oh, she must be desperate, let's try and set her up." NO. No. No. no. no. no. NO! Sure, I wouldn't mind Prince Charming coming and sweeping me off my feet. But I honestly (yes I mean these next few words) would rather be single for the rest of my life single than hit on by another creeper. I've been hit on by SO many these past few weeks it is RIDICULOUS! ((Maybe I'll post some later just to give you all a giggle, really it is laughable.)) And I haven't been on a date with a decent guy since high school. And the last decent guy I had a date with isn't interested in girls anymore. Sorry...tangent....
Anyway... Assuming things about people is not right. After that tangent about creepers my arguments a little weak. But there are facts behind the creepiness of the creepers. People all have struggles and vices and triumphs and glories. And we all need to do a little less judging and assuming (even if we think it's a kind assumption). Because you just don't know what they're really going through. You don't know the thoughts they're hiding inside, the feelings they don't let show, the situations they don't talk about. You just don't know. We all need to do a little less talking and a little more listening....especially me.

1 comment:

  1. Pahaha! I have no doubt that you will marry the most beautiful man in the world(to your eyes at least;D)! You'll be the cutest couple and yes, "I will teach your ten [beautiful] children how to embroider cushions and play their instruments very ill!"
