Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Small Rant

So, in case you don't know me (which I doubt anyone reading this doesn't) I'm skinny. Like tiny skinny. I'm nearly 5'7'' and I only weigh approximately 105 pounds. So now in your head you're thinking What does SHE have to rant about, about that?!
Well here it is: I am this way naturally. I eat like a 14-year-old boy, I just can't keep weight on. But people look at me and assume that I deprive, torture, or maim myself to be the way I am. There's a woman who is most definitely not naturally thin (you can tell because she looks like a skeleton and barely ever gets anything to eat) and she has suggested on multiple occasions that I understand her need to not get as much. Dear lady, I'm not anorexic. Then there was a guy once who told me I stayed this thin by eating whatever I want and then throwing it up afterward. Dude, really?!
The world's obsession with weight and appearances swings both ways. We all know that obese or overweight people are openly mocked and the health dangers of being that way. But no one seems to mention that those of us that are thin are demeaned too.
Everyone's healthy weight and healthy place mentally within themselves comes at a different place, and we aren't to judge. Especially if we're strangers. People are SO much more than what they appear on the outside. Everyone has fears, everyone struggles, and everyone has their own triumphs too. We are all just humans, size 0 or size 16. And we were all made as individuals with something to contribute to the world.
Now, this isn't just a pointless rant about insults given me at work; the point related to the theme of my blog: EVERYONE struggles with how they feel about themselves in one way or another. No matter what size, shape, etc. And EVERYONE deserves courtesy and encouragement along their way in feeling better about themselves. EVERYONE is beautiful. EVERYONE is being as brave as they can be, marching on in their journey.


  1. warning rant cont: I hear you! So many people want to be skinny like us but then in the same sentence judge us for being skinny...what? At work I get so many "if I was skinny like you" comments it drives me nuts. and others "when are you going to put meat on your bones" um, have you seen the way I eat? it just doesn't stick...and not because i have a disorder but because i have GOOD METABOLISM so suck it and leave me alone haha
