Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Words have not only once again granted me with the pleasure of their company, they may well be overstaying their welcome. Okay, not really. I'm loving the flood of eloquence.
Today the topic I've been mulling over in my mind especially is coins. We're all familiar with coins. Quarters, dimes, nickles, pennies, or whatever else wherever else. But did you realize that there are coins inside us? And no, not just ones that you swallowed when you were a kid! Every trait you have has a flip-side. There's the up-side and the down-side. For example: If you have a big heart, it's likely that big heart has just as much capacity to hurt as to love. That's a big coin of mine. I'm full of love and compassion and I'm fiercely loyal, but I'm injured and insulted easily. I take everything personally because I mean (most) everything personally. The trick is to focus on the up-side of what you've got! Believe me it's hard. That down-side has the power of gravity on it's side. It pulls and drags and holds and tugs and yanks and tows and heaves and thrusts you down. But we are still able to stand on earth, despite gravity right? There's gigantic skyscrapers even with the weight of the world pulling them down aren't there? We grow taller and stronger even with it pulling us down, and I dare say, because it's pulling us down. Having down-sides doesn't make you horrible, it makes you human. You need both sides of the coin to pay for an ice cream cone, don't you?
Well, I hope that makes you feel a little better about your virtues and vices, I know it makes me feel better about mine.
Best luck and all my love to you on your journeys.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." ~Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

"You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper!" ~Demi Lovato, Skyscraper

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Small Rant

So, in case you don't know me (which I doubt anyone reading this doesn't) I'm skinny. Like tiny skinny. I'm nearly 5'7'' and I only weigh approximately 105 pounds. So now in your head you're thinking What does SHE have to rant about, about that?!
Well here it is: I am this way naturally. I eat like a 14-year-old boy, I just can't keep weight on. But people look at me and assume that I deprive, torture, or maim myself to be the way I am. There's a woman who is most definitely not naturally thin (you can tell because she looks like a skeleton and barely ever gets anything to eat) and she has suggested on multiple occasions that I understand her need to not get as much. Dear lady, I'm not anorexic. Then there was a guy once who told me I stayed this thin by eating whatever I want and then throwing it up afterward. Dude, really?!
The world's obsession with weight and appearances swings both ways. We all know that obese or overweight people are openly mocked and the health dangers of being that way. But no one seems to mention that those of us that are thin are demeaned too.
Everyone's healthy weight and healthy place mentally within themselves comes at a different place, and we aren't to judge. Especially if we're strangers. People are SO much more than what they appear on the outside. Everyone has fears, everyone struggles, and everyone has their own triumphs too. We are all just humans, size 0 or size 16. And we were all made as individuals with something to contribute to the world.
Now, this isn't just a pointless rant about insults given me at work; the point related to the theme of my blog: EVERYONE struggles with how they feel about themselves in one way or another. No matter what size, shape, etc. And EVERYONE deserves courtesy and encouragement along their way in feeling better about themselves. EVERYONE is beautiful. EVERYONE is being as brave as they can be, marching on in their journey.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Lately I've been thinking about perspective and how things look differently through different people's eyes. As I'm looking at photos and taking photos I see the world differently. I look through new eyes and see with a new perspective. It's amazing to see how I look even at movies I've seen a billion times differently. (Have I ever told you I LOOOOVE movies!? I do!! A lot....Especially when the acting, story and cinematography all meet together beautifully.) We all have an individual and personal way that we see the world around us. Our eyes shape from who we are, who we've loved, what we've loved, what we've lost, where we've been, what we've learned. It's amazing how even siblings who've grown up so similar and seen so many of the same things can have such different perspectives. It's astounding how a couple can go through something together and come out with such different views. I am dumbfounded by the differences and individualism in every one of our views, our voices, and just in every one of us. We are each brave and beautiful in our own way and in different, separate, individual balances.
"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." -Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

"I'd like some fresh, clear, well seasoned perspective." -Anton Ego, Ratatouille

"I always surprise myself on my ability to turn a phrase. Words are, in my not so humble opinion, the most inexhaustible source of magic; capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it." -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

((Maybe next time I'll post random quotes I just like, what do you think?!))