Thursday, May 5, 2011


Balance is something I've been wondering for a while, and especially today. I feel like Gus Gus from Cinderella (you saw the Disney reference coming didn't you?!) balancing the pieces of corn--at least they look like corn--and dropping all the pieces right when the evil cat Lucifer comes stalking around. (Hehe corn grows on a stalk!!! Yay puns!! Sorry...on things...) Gus Gus drops all his food all over the ground and scurrying off into the mouse hole nearby. Often I feel like Gus Gus carrying so many pieces of corn and just dropping them one by one. It's much more balanced to drop a few pieces before you drop them all because of an incident.
Recently I was carrying too much and dropped it all when an incident came around. And I know I keep talking about it, but picking up those pieces you left behind when you are still scared that cat is going to peek it's nasty head around the corner and come back and try and bite you.
Learning to take out the unnecessary things in your life and take care of yourself is a big part of balance. I'm still figuring out the other intricacies of balancing life and definitely do not have it mastered. I do have the whole dropping everything and running into a mouse hole sobbing down pat! I'm really great at that.
I find it very hard to balance being brave and beautiful at the same time. It's so hard for me to brave and say the things I need to say even if it hurts someone, even if it only hurts them for a little while and ends up making us stronger. I would so much rather just try and be beautiful and sweet and make everyone happy and feel good, but that can hurt me! Also, I'm bad at looking for the beautiful things in life. I am getting better though! And I guess that's what's important. That's what you need to balance most is trying as hard as you possibly can and looking at yourself and giving yourself credit for how far you've come and everything you have accomplished. And that's the balance I'm working on most.

1 comment:

  1. My take is that beauty is in strength and honesty and--surprise--in bravery itself. I used to have issues with asserting myself in certain situations. I still do. But it was soooo bad to the point that I couldn't even say point-blank to a telemarketer, "I'm not interested." I'm definitely over THAT facet of assertiveness, but I still do have a hard time saying things that have potential to hurt people's feelings. So...I hear you. :) And I hear you, too, as far as balance goes! Boy, do I ever hear you on this count. I think it's a constant effort, really. I don't think it would actually fit in with the definition of balance if we were perfect all the time...because balance is give-take, up-down, medium, etc. Right? Maybe? I'm still trying to figure it out myself!
