Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I don't know if any of you know this, but I am a published poet. One of my pieces was published in my high school's literary magazine. Maybe one day I'll post it. But today I've been thinking about this poem that I'll share with you. It's been a rough day. I found out that Rae is moving to Texas. By August 1st. I'm very upset. But there is a positive!! She will live only about a 20 minute drive from Fort Worth which is where the majority of the Jonas family lives. (Maybe Reed will go to school with Frankie Jonas!!!! Okay...that's highly unlikely, but I can dream right?! The answer is YES I CAN!! And I WILL as big as I please.) But I don't want her to leave me. I love Rachel. She's the older sister I've never had, and one of my best friends. And all day I kept thinking the opening lines of this poem for her, but couldn't remember the rest. Miraculously it was in the first folder of things I've written that I looked at. (There are several. And hardly any of the work is worth showing anyone, honestly.)
Without further ado, my poem entitled Fear Him?

They say to fear Him,
to fear our Lord.
We're told He'd smite us
for all our sins.
But I cannot fear Him
He paid for my sins.
He helps me through days
I just can't face alone.
I feel the power of His love
from the glowing sunshine up above,
the beautiful flowers down below,
the warm soft grass between my toes.
How can I fear Him?
He's saved me from death,
every day he gives me breath.
How can I fear Him?
He suffered for me in a grove of tress
and died for me at Calgary.
How can I fear Him?
He felt my pain while here on earth
so I could have a second birth.
How can I fear Him?
I feel the power of His love
from the glowing sunshine above
the beautiful flowers down below
and the warm, soft grass between my toes.
How can I fear Him like they say?
I only love Him stronger every day.

(I wrote this one day during church as someone was giving a talk, that I don't remember what it was about. And I remember my mom showing it to a lady in my ward--who was later my English 1010 teacher--who complimented me and it's stuck with me. I don't know why I've been thinking this today, but I have. And I felt like sharing. I hope you enjoyed, or at least it made you think. P.S. I don't know how copyrights work, but please respect that this is my work, my words. It takes a great deal for me to share my words as poetry is my soul on paper. Thank you.)

Rae I love you. I know Heavenly Father and Christ love you. They're watching over you and your family. Everything will go well in Texas. Somehow, we'll both be okay. :)


  1. Oh, C....I have no words. This is so beautiful. So, so beautiful. I love you so much.

  2. I love you too Rae. Thank you. :)
