Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Job Hunting

So, now that I am back in St. George, and am no longer the incubus of viral plague that I was for the past week I've started job hunting. And it's hard. And I don't like it. But I'm trying to be positive and brave and know that I will find something, and it will be good for me (even if good for me isn't pleasant). At least I graduated high school. At least I worked for Disneyland. Oh Disneyland, how I've missed you.
I decided it was brave to come back to St. George, sort of. If I would have stayed in Anaheim I would've had a job for sure, and I could've kept running from some issues and ignored them, I could've avoided the shame of telling everyone hear "No, I'm not going to college because I'm a loser and can't afford it. But I'm gonna pretend I'm not going to college because I don't know what I want to do so it's smarter to just make money right now." But I'm facing it, and trying to be brave and trying to be a big girl. Thank you to all those who are standing by me and supporting me and encouraging me. Heaven knows I need it.

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