Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lorna Anderson

Lorna is a woman I have always looked up to ever since she and her husband and their 6 boys moved into my neighborhood about 6 years ago. She is one of the most beautiful, brave women I've ever known. She is truly incredible. Always smiling, always happy, always tender, always ready with a smile, hug, and kind word. This past week one of Lorna's sweet boys passed from this world and into the next. Nolan was barely 18 and died in his sleep on the 22nd. He'd struggled with health for nearly his whole life, including paralysis of the right half his body. He found in his mother (and father) an example of strength, trust in the Lord, tenacity, courage, and seeking all that was beautiful in the world. And he followed right in her footsteps, pushing through every disability, every challenge and becoming stronger for it. Now he has passed on quietly and peacefully to the Savior's care where he will no longer be challenged by earthly cares or his temporal body.
Nolan's precious mother fully understands the Lord's Plan of Salvation, and just days after her son's passing sat in the most solemn Sacrament Meeting I've ever witnessed, and smiled and laughed, tearing up only a few times. The day after my Mom went to visit and offer our help and came back in awe that Lorna was smiling, cheerful, peaceful, and happy.
I can't imagine the pain that would come from one of your children going before you from this existence. I hope to be like Lorna when I grow up: trusting, brave, beautiful, seeking the positive, faithful, and countless other virtues.

My prayers and love are with their family, along with my appreciation and admiration.


  1. I've never seen a stronger more beautiful example of strength as I have with Lorna in her and her families time of grief. I heard her say yesterday that she knew she'd been prepared by her own mothers passing when Lorna was young, when Nolan was so sick and almost died as a baby, and when her husband was in a serious car accident. What faith and courage! Love her and love you Ciera
