Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day!

I've decided this may be my favorite holiday. Not for the romance and the flowers and candy, but for the opportunity to show and express your love for the people you love most. I love the secrecy of surprises you get to give those you love. I love feeling loved, but more loving others. I love telling and showing friends and family I love them and seeing their eyes get watery or their lips crack into a smile. I love making frilly pink and red things and giving them to people. I love seeing the couples trying to do cute things for each other. I love that my Dad doesn't give my mom flowers on Valentines Day because it's too expected and surprises her with flowers random days of the year when she won't have a clue! I love that my Dad's Valentine for me was half of a $5 foot-long (my favorite kind--Chicken Bacon Ranch!!) and half a cookie. I love that my Mom spent an hour making me a beautiful card and filling it with confetti hearts. I love knowing that all the way in Guatemala my sister read the Valentine I snuck into her suitcase. (My brother will get his when he gets back, I didn't get the chance to sneak his in his suitcase!) Most of all I love the few things I don't dare post. Those very close to me know those few things and know that they made me so happy I cried and am again.
Yes, it is hard to be single on Valentines Day, but it doesn't lessen or dampen the brilliant glow that loving others and being loved by others makes me feel. Yes, it's hard to work on Valentines night and see all the couples, but the tips were great! (Even if it was because they felt sorry for me!) But I love this beautiful holiday. Maybe enough to call it my favorite. I'm not quite sure yet.

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus one day so I never live without you." Winnie the Pooh

"I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it." Audrey Hepburn


  1. Loved this! Love that dad gives me flowers not on V-day but on other days of the year!

  2. I love your dad's Valentine to you, and I love the quotes!
